Pure Bliss
1401 32nd St S. | Fargo, ND 58103 | 701.306.7180
Massage & Wellness
Please arrive 5 minutes early to your appointment if you are not new and 10 minutes early if you are new. This will ensure your appointment starts on time and you get the full amount of time scheduled. Thanks.
All massage therapists are independent contractors operating their individual business's inside Pure Bliss. If you are a new client and have questions about who to pick please give the office a call and we will try and direct you to the appropriate provider. If you can not get into your regular LMT and would like to try someone new please ask your regular therapist who they would recommend. Every therapist has their own style and skill set and we want to try our best to make sure all clients get the therapist best suited for their individual needs.
Our Services